Many producers create movies and television program. But not all their finished products are shown to the viewing public. This is when MTRCB( Movie, Television Regulatory and Censorship Board) enters the scene. MTRCB has gidelines on whether a film will be shown or not and to only what kind of audience it can be shown. This portion will cater the Movie Classifications and Guidelines as provided on Section 8 of MTRCB's rules and regulation.
Movies classified General Patronage are for all ages. These films shall not, whether in theme and language, depict nudity, contain sex or violent scenes which would be offensive to parents whose minor children are to view the film. These films shall be guided under the following criteria
1.THEME- the theme shall be wholesome, reinforcing positive values
2.LANGUAGE- Obscene, profane or blasphemous language and cuss words shall not be allowed
3.NUDITY&SEX- scenes of nudity and sex shall not be allowed.
4.VIOLENCE- depiction of violence and the use of threatening language, weapons and special effect shall not tend to cause alarm, distress or stress and/or anxiety to children. Suicide scenes shall not be allowed.
5.DRUGS- no drugs and/or alcohol shall be allowed.

1.LANGUAGE- obscene and profane language shall not be allowed. Language beyond polite conversation may be allowed provided they are common everyday expression.
2.NUDITY&SEX- discreet indication or references to sensuality in the context of a normal and healthy family life may be allowed.
3.VIOLENCE- inexplicit forms of violence maybe allowed if appropriate to the story line. only discreet reference to suicide maybe allowed.
4.DRUGS- no depiction of actual intake or use of prohibited drugs or other illegal substance or alcohol nor the pleasurable effects thereof shall be allowed.
1.LANGUAGE- use of intermittent cuss words but not in a sexual content shall be allowed. obscene and profane language shall not be allowed.
2.NUDITY&SEX-some nudity that's relevant to the storyline but not sensually oriented shall be allowed. Portrayal of nudity shall be inexplicit and may only be allowed when the story line or program content so necessitate.
3.VIOLENCE-depiction of violence shall be inexplicit and appropriate to the story line and thematic context. Suicide scenes shall not be explicit.
4.DRUGS- no depiction of actual intake or use of prohibited drugs or other illegal substance nor the pleasurable effects thereof shall be allowed in all instances, the depiction of drug use shall carry a redeeming value.
R-18 For persons 18 years of age and above. films classified R-18 shall be here in guided accordingly
1. LANGUAGE- Obscene language may be allowed but not consistently prevident.
1. LANGUAGE- Obscene language may be allowed but not consistently prevident.
2.NUDITY&SEX- brief nudity with sensual scenes may be allowed if relevant to the storyline. Explicit sex scenes shall not be allowed.
3.VIOLENCE- no excessive violence nor explicit scenes of suicide shall be allowed.
4.DRUGS- Inexplicit use of actual intake and preparation thereof, as well as the pleasures that are shown to be derived there from, maybe shown only in so far relevant to the thematic content of the movie.
X-RATED Films classified as X are films that are immoral, indecent, contrary to law and/or good customs and/to the best interest of the public in general, or any other legitimate public interest such as, but not limited to those stated in sections 6 & 7 of Chapter III.
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